Detailed information on admission > PDF DOWNLOAD (GERMAN) <

For assistance with online registration for the entrance examination, please write an email to the Info-Point of the mdw: or to the Studies Center of the mdw:


Overview on admission

1. Admission prerequisites
2. Registration for entrance examination
3. Entrance examination
4. Tuition rates


1. Admission prerequisites

(1) Proof of completion of a relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent degree at an accredited post-secondary educational institution.
These include, for example, bachelor's and diploma programs at the mdw and other musical and music-pedagogical studies, as well as sociology, musicology, theater or dance studies, business administration or economics, cultural management, cultural studies and other comparable studies.

(2) Proof of artistic aptitude as determined by the entrance examination.

(3) Proof of proficiency in German and English language has to be submitted to the Studies Center of the mdw by email: before admission to the master MUSIC IN SOCIETY. Successful completion of the entrance examination is the prerequisite for admission to the master program. The master program is taught in German and English language. Applicants for whom one or both of these languages is/are not their first language have to provide proof of language proficiency. For the language of the scientific master's thesis, the C1 level must be demonstrated; for the other language, the B2 level. Further information on proof of language proficiency: see mdw Rectorate's Language Proficiency Directive


2. Registration for the entrance examination

Registration for the entrance examination was possible from 1 March to 27 May 2024. The registration deadline for the next academic year will be announced in due course.


Required application documents:

  1. Bachelor's degree or a certificate or diploma from an equivalent study program at an accredited post-secondary educational institution.
  2. Bachelor's thesis
  3. Statement of purpose (at least 300 words in English or German), including information on
    - the applicant's artistic practice
    - in case of an scientific Bachelor's degree: brief description of the applicant's artistic (self-)studies
    - musical style presented at the entrance examination
    - preferred artistic study module (Popular Music, Music Making in Social Contexts, Traditional Musics) – please note that it is not possible to combine artistic study modules
    - scientific interests and, if possible, ideas for scientific focus during studies
  4. Written essay answering the following question, conforming to scientific standards (at least 800 words in English or German) and including at least two scientific sources:

What different functions and roles can music fulfill in society?

This question can be discussed, for example, on the basis of the following aspects:

  • Music in social contexts (e. g. youth cultures; rock/pop music, jazz or electronic dance music scenes; traditional music communities; elementary music making; Musikvermittlung/community music; music therapy)
  • Music in public, private or virtual spaces
  • Music in everyday life of individuals or social groups
  • Music as labour (professional fields, institutions, etc.)
  • Influence of factors such as economy, cultural policy, technological developments, gender oder social background on the consumption, production or (e)valuation of music

The statemet of purpose and the essay have to be uploaded in PDF format when registering online for the entrance examination.


3. Entrance examination

The artistic aptitude of the applicants for MUSIC IN SOCIETY will be determined by a committee during a two-part entrance examination, which takes place between 2 and 4 July 2024 at mdw's Orchesterstudio (1030 Vienna, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, room C0113) – see mdwCampus map. There are no restrictions regarding musical instruments, styles or the way they were learned (e. g., music (school) lessons or self-taught/informal training, including band or ensemble practice, online tutorials, home music making, busking, DJing). Applicants with classical instrumental or vocal training can also be admitted to one of the offered artistic modules (Popular Music, Music Making in Social Contexts, Traditional Musics) if they are suitably qualified. Their musical or music-pedagogical practice must be compatible with one of these modules.

Part 1: Artistic examination

The artistic part of the examination includes an artistic performance (vocal/instrumental/dance) in a freely chosen style. The performance allows the examination committee to determine the artistic level of the applicants with regard to further studies at the university master's level and to assign them to one of the following artistic modules: Popular Music, Music Making in Social Contexts, Traditional Musics.

Form and procedure for the artistic performance:

  • Duration: 5 to 15 minutes
  • Program: no requirements (several pieces, one continuous performance, etc.)
    The program must be submitted in written form to the examination committee at the beginning of the examination. Information may include, for example: composer, song or piece title, type of performance (vocal, instrumental, dance, specifying instruments), stylistic classification, etc.
  • Formation: any musical formation is possible (ensemble/band, solo, vocal or instrumental music making with instrumental or recorded accompaniment, dance alongside audio recording, etc.)

Part 2: Contextualisation and interview

A prepared scholarly presentation of around five minutes in length should embed the artistic performance into the larger social context. This contextualisation can take place after the artistic performance, or it can be integrated into the performance itself.

The subjects of the interview with the examination committee are the artistic performance, the contextualisation of the artistic performance, the written essay, the choice of the artistic module (Popular Music, Music Making in Social Contexts, Traditional Musics) and, if mentioned in the statement of purpose, the scientific focus during studies.

The interview will last approximately 15 minutes.


4. Tuition rates

For detailed information on tuition rates, please visit the website of the Studies Center of the mdw.